Donation awakens the brightest forces of the human soul. It is the same with the assistance (donation), received by a weaker person. What shall a weak person do? Thanking sincerely and warmly, the person produces sublime energy for the donor. In that case, the donor receives invaluable force for his/her life and an incentive for vitality, efficiency and health. No self-interest, no envy or bad feelings. Both the donor and the beneficiary cherish in their hearts Love and Gratitude. Appreciate those intimate moments of one’s life.
The Old Age Home for Elderly People Morena accepts with deep gratitude and appreciation all your trust and support. Wholehearted thanks to each donor of funds that will be used for the needs and to attain better life for the residents in the Old Age Home Morena. Donors shall be informed that they can benefit from tax relief in accordance with the Law on Income Tax of Individuals and Legal Entities. We also provide a certificate of donation.
Bank: DSK Bank
Account holder: Morena-V.N. Foundation
IBAN: BG28STSA93000020319922